Robert Cameron Culhane ![]()
Robert Cameron Culhane (3) 1882-1852
Agnes Pauline McCague (Blayney) (3) xxxx-19681882. Jul 1st, born in Port Huron MI., called "Bob" parents page. Baptized Jul 16 1882 at St Stephen's Catholic Church in Port Huron: Sponsors Michael & Margaret Manley.
1884. Robert age 3 lived with his parents in Port Huron (Census).
1899. Robert graduated from Pinckney HS, 1 of 13 graduates. Worked at Sigler's Drug Store in Pinckney.
1900. Census of Dexter Village, located in both Scio & Webster Twps in Washtenaw Co MI indicated: Robert Culhane age 17, born Jul 1882 in MI and parents in Canada, single, drug store clerk, 0 months unemployed.
1900. Jul 20th, Robert age 18 left MI to study at Ada College of Pharmacy in Ada OH.
1901. Nov 12th, Robert passed exam for Registered Qualified Assistant Pharmacist, and accepted a position in Pittsburgh PA (Pinckney Dispatch).
1902. May 24th, Robert became a Registered Pharmacist in PA.
1903. Worked at Crystal Pharmacy at Liberty & Mart Sts in Pittsburgh PA.
1906. Photograph of his first drug store at Bushton & Tioga Sts in Pittsburgh PA (RC p21).
1907. Robert and brother Cass Culhane got together for a visit in Chicago IL.
1910. Census of Pittsburgh PA indicated: R C Culhane age 27, single, proprietor of a drug store at 7625 Tioga St; lodged with John A Young and family, dry goods merchant.
c1919. Robert was considered an expert in the field of pharmacy appraisal and was called on to appraise the pharmacy of the late Albert Paul Blayney. Albert Paul Blayney died of flu in the great flu epidemic at the end of WW-I.
1922. Sep 11th, Robert was married to Agnes Pauline McCague (Blayney) in Homestead PA by Matthew Coglan. She was the widow of Albert Paul Blayney of Munhall PA. They honeymooned in Pinckney MI.
1924. Robert lived in Pittsburgh Monongahela PA (father's obituary).
1926. Robert lived in Pittsburgh PA (mother's obituary).
1952. Jun 2nd, Robert Culhane died in Pittsburgh PA of nephritis bilateral and hypertensive heart disease. He operated a drug store at the corner of Idlewild St & Homewood Ave. At 8:30 am on Jun 4 1952 a requiem high mass was sung in Holy Rosary Church, and later services were held at the McCabe Funeral Home on Thomas Blvd, with burial in St Mary's Cemetery in Homestead PA.
1968. Sep 14th, Agnes Culhane died in Wheeling WV of a massive cerebrovascular hemorrhage due to cerebrovascular arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Buried Sep 17 1968 in Mt Calvary Cemetery in Wheeling WV. <Why buried here?>.
(Photo: RCp21).
(Gen Refs: RC p4,20.21; RCC p1/2; TC p4.2,4.4; OTC p32; LSL p17d).1 Child (plus Agnes had a previous child) 1. Paul Joseph Blayney (4) born in 1916 of Albert Paul Blayney and Agnes Pauline McCague, who was married in 1915. 1994 Paul J Blayney age 77 died 1994 at his home, native of Pittsburg, a retired plant manager for the old Community Shop Towel Co, veteran of WW-II; survived by his wife Constance Bleecker, brother Robert C Culhane of Detroit, four daughters; cremated & no services, memorial gifts to the American Heart Association. (Courier-Journal (Louisville KY) Jan 7 1994 p04B). 2. Robert Cameron Culhane Jr (4) 1. Brice Culhane (5) 2. Deidre Culhane (5) Author of references HC, RC, RCC, TC & TP.